Why is this country so secretive about our sexuality? I find it funny that our country has the highest percentage of teen pregnancy's over all and high up there on the STD list too. Yet our country for the most part like's to pretend sex does not exist. Parent's wait till the very last second or after it's too late to talk to their kids about sex. If there is something even just a little bit sexual on TV it gets turn off because we don’t want our kids to see it. People scream and yell about same sex marriage being wrong because we don’t want kids around it, you know just in case it rubs off. Why? Look countries like Japan who don't hide sex. They have the lowest teen pregnancy rate. In Switzerland the average age of a first time mother is 28 and their teen birth rate is 5. While here in America our teen birth rate is 64. Now that has to make you wonder what they are doing that is so different then the US. I’m not telling you to go out a rent a porno for your child. I’m just saying if we as a country became less staunch and more open about things like sex we might become a better country. Talk to your kids about sex. Answer all their questions openly and honestly. So what your face turns red and you get embarrassed. You know if we were open minded about it to begin with that would not even happen. In Switzerland the have a condom commercial were a penis sings about safe sex and no one bats an eye. Amsterdam has nude beaches and legal drugs and there crime rate, teen birth rate, and STD rate are lower than ours. Has anyone ever talked around something to you? Kind of hinting a little bit about it, but not telling you everything. Then tells you it’s bad for you and that you can’t do it. So you want to know what it is. You want to see what the big deal is. That’s what sex and drugs are for our kids. If we did not try to keep those things a secret from our kids they would not be so gun hoe about it. They would not have to go to their friends and leaner the wrong things about it. I had a friend when I was growing up whose parents were 100% open about sex with her. If they were watching a movie and a sex scene came on no one rushed to turn it off. They watched it and if she had questions they answered them for her. They even made jokes about it and made it a not so secretive thing. It was out there in the open. All they asked of her was to wait till she turned 21 to have sex. Her parents were realistic on the fact that she was not going to wait till marriage but at least keep her childhood in tacked. She waited till she was 22 to have sex with her boyfriend of 6 years. That how I want to be with my kids, I want them to be able to ask me anything and in turn I want to be able to ask them anything. Give it a try and see what happens.
Google Power
15 years ago
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